Hong Kong trip
Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to buy.
Budget can only tell you which you can't afford, but can't keep you from buying it.
这两句话是写在新建的IFC(International Convention Center)的墙壁上的,直接刺激人们的购买欲,并且挑战传统的勤俭持家理论。回来的飞机上和Eric改了一句话:
Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to enjoy the life.
在香港的DYMock书店和WH Smith里兜了一圈,发现香港好的书真的很多。有很多在上海都看不到,尤其是外文书。印象里上海外文书店的书都很老的样子。有一系列谈到relationship的书,名字都不错:'Men from Mars; Women are from Venus', 'hard questions';'why men love bitches', 'If I am so wonderful, why I am still single?'. 这些书都回来思考男人和女人之间的difference,来试图build long term solid relationship.粗粗翻了一下,觉得很有道理。尤其是和周围对结婚具有恐惧症的朋友对对座,觉得满有道理的。印象中有一句话把男女之间的difference概括得特别好:
Women is hard-wired with sympathy, while man is hard-wired with building and understanding.
I really enjoying reading your blog. Unlike your husband's, you present a female's perspective of life in Shanghai, e.g. shopping, decorating, etc. I am wondering if you can share some pictures of the hot fashion shopping destinations in Shanghai or shoes or ear rings you bought, etc. As we all know, girls are crazy about things like that.
Posted by: Cindy | June 14, 2004 05:08 AM
You probably are too young to imagine life at age 30. I bet when you reach 30, you will feel nothing different from today.
Posted by: Cindy | June 14, 2004 05:14 AM
Thank you for the good suggestion, Cindy! I will take pictures next time.
Posted by: fanfan | June 14, 2004 01:48 PM
Posted by: Grace Zhang | June 16, 2004 11:37 PM
上看到wang jian shuo,接下来通过他的blog看到了你,看到了你们甜美生活,也找到了你们这两个校友。离开学校已两年了,虽然当时在学校从不觉得那里有什么好,而且还对于闵行的偏僻颇有意见,可如今只要一听到是那个学校出来的就感觉特别亲切,还真有点老乡见老乡两眼泪汪汪的冲动!看了你blog里的几篇文章,感觉很舒服,我想我会继续看下去的。对于blog我实在了解的不多,不知道怎样才能自己见一个blog呢?能否给我一些建议和帮助呢?
Posted by: vicky | September 12, 2004 12:32 AM
I'm 30 with a little girl who is about to walk soon. all I what is that my husband come home early and spend the evening with us. I think when you are 30 you wish you were 26, still young, go shopping, go to the cinema or just chatting with freinds just like what you are doing now.
Posted by: rachelmitchell | September 24, 2004 11:47 PM
Posted by: laoxi | October 4, 2005 07:10 PM