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Men are like Rubber Bands?

I am very surprised to know men have an intimacy cycle, just like Rubber Bands. Closer, then pull away; closer, then pull away. They have needs for both intimacy and autonomy. That's why they are always causing women feel that being disgarded. It's not because she has done something wrong, just because of the cycle. So men also have a cycle. :-)

I read this rule from "Men from Mars; Women from Venus". But I think this rule is also true for women. I remember one person said, all people have three needs: family, community and job. Lose of any needs will cause uncomfortable. I totally agree with this. I am not those kind of people who can be at home all days, although I always dream that way.

Every year, my company will spend a lot of time for employees to write their commitments, action item and accountability. It's a good expereince. You need think about the career, and write it down. Shall we also have a commitment to our personal life? to another 2 important parts of our life? However, it is such a complex question, and I don't know. Leave it to next topic.


Wendy, 很喜歡你寫的文字﹐淡淡的﹐清幽的﹐很自然的感覺。但字里行間又能看出你的自信﹐坦然地將自己的心跡表露出來。

我也曾把你的BLOG介紹給我女兒看﹐她也叫WENDY﹐今年小學六年級﹐我家WENDY仿彿對小說興趣濃些﹐ 對散文隨筆之類卻很少看﹐都是當我看到好的文章時留起﹐硬塞給她看﹐我希望有一天她學會欣賞。

Neither you or your husband ever mentioned about cooking. Do you eat out a lot since you both have very demanding jobs? Saturday may be the time to utilize your beatifully decorated kitchen and dining room and make and enjoy rommantic dinner together.


Those commenting on your blog entries are predominantly girls. Maybe this discourages boys from doing the same!? Hehe...


Wendy JJ周末搬号家了吗?搬好了我们要看照片。:)


I find your page through your husband's and I think I will read it often in the future.




I came across that book once in the National Library in Beijing. Just glanced part of it and I was impressed by the chapter which mentions that Men want trust and appreciation most, while women put caring and understanding in the first place. Chinese version was also available long time ago though.

It is such a coincidence to ready your articl, but they are beautiful. I am very very touched by you. I am in Jacksonvill, Florida. Thinking about moving to Seattle. That's how I got to read your article. Maybe someday we will meet in Shanghai which is my hometown.

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