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Fahrenheit 9/11

For several days and weeks, I didn't write the blog. I am not a good blogger because I always suspect why I spent so much time on the blogs. I still have the question in my heart. But undoutbly, reading good friends' blog has become my habit. I found reading SINA news is not so interesting as reading all kinds of blogs. There are thoughts in blogs.

Last night, I watched the famous Fahrenheit 9/11. It opens a new window to me to know that such sensitive politics topics can be interpreted in this way. Is this what is called freedom? Poor George W Bush has such a close financial relationship with famous terrorist, and even his own companies were invested by the rich guys. The government is continously giving confusing conception and signals to let their people live in an unsafe condition. They have a good excuse to initiate a war get the oil from the Iraq region. While at the same time, the benefit from the war is scrabbed by the few big companies without competition. There is a sentense in the movie: why whenever there is a war, the poorest people who have the worst education always stand up to protect us? It's a robbery. The rich people make the rules to get more resources from the poor, while when there is a war, the money enourages the poor people to earn the money for college by risking their life.

When I finish the movie, I asked my husband a question: what's the impact of this movie to American's president selection. He answered me: there are so many different voices in America, it is just one of these voices. However, from today's news on SINA, I do see some point and explanations to the question mentioned in this movie, for example: who open the green light to Bin Laden's family.

From a project management's perspective, It's a typical american project which the skill is built when an american is still young(Jian shuo told me a lot of primary/high school student is requireing the mag lev circuit diagram to build their own mag lev as the homework of a semister, how about our education?). Suspect, assumpt, prove and speak out the ideas. Why are there so many different projects in US which covers different aspects of the life, while at the same time, all of them have the common characters of seeking for facts?

I will begin to learn foreign books. Few books in Scholoar are worthy reading because they are very commercial or only simple translation. We need high quality book store and books to guide us through the life instead of learning skill and technology everyday.




one of the main reason why michael moore's documentary is so popular is just because it is entertaining, instead of thought provoking.

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