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July 13, 2004
夏天越来越近,去年夏天的回忆也越来越近。最近对self-improvement很有自觉性,也开始重读原版的Jack Welch自传,今天顺便从硬盘的角落找出当时得到的评价,放在这里,时时鞭策自己!
自信心,影响力,决定性能力都只是Competent,而没有达到Distinguished or Outstanding,我认为这样的评价非常一针见血,的确反映出了我的弱点。我还是一个一被challenge就会心虚的junior,面临崭新的环境时还是需要同事们的鼓励和赞扬才能鼓起勇气获得信心。Decisiveness则更不用说了,就连生活中的我都一直摇摇摆摆,犹疑不定。这样典型的天秤座,很难想象能够在职业上有什么大的成就。。。
1. Self Confidence (Boundary less/Empowerment) C
Zuxin's perception is that she is less capable than she is. She demonstrates that she is able to learn new skills and perform the necessary tasks well.
2. Initiative (Energy/Speed) D
Zuxin takes responsibility for completing her tasks; she takes the extra initiative to gather information when necessary.
3. Communication O
In spite of English not being her native language she is able to communicate effectively.
4. Change Facilitation (Change/Opportunity) D
Zuxin finds a way to make each opportunity/change fit her schedule.
5. Relationship Building D
Zuxin has engaged members of the team both in and out of the workplace. She is viewed positively by her peers.
6. Influence C
Zuxin provides her ideas and input as would be expected from a junior engineer.
7. Team Effectiveness D
Well engaged.
8. Decisiveness (Accountability/Commitment/Integrity) C
Lack of domain knowledge has prevented Zuxin from showing autonomous behavior. She has improved in this area but there is room for improvement.
9. Concern for Effectiveness (Passion for Excellence) D
Always looks for the best solution instead of just getting done.
10. Technical Ability D
Zuxin's limited experience limited her initially; she has been able to add each new skill without difficulty.
Rating Guideline
The highest level of achievement: goes above and beyond the expected goals, seeks out additional work on this project, set an example for others to follow.
A very high level of achievement; exceeded some goals, project work was superior.
An average level of achievement; met goals.
SD-Needs Some Development
A marginal level of achievement; met some goals; some improvement is needed.
CD-Needs Considerable Development
A low level of achievement; rarely met goals; needs major development.
Posted by claire at July 13, 2004 03:12 PM