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Software Installed on My Laptop

Having been seriously interested in the IT industry for more than 7 years, I am amazed by how fast the software evolves. The software I am using is totally different from those I used one years ago. The versions keep changing, the names of the products change over the time also. There are always new products replacing the old ones.

I still clearly remember the excitement when I saw Windows 2000 beta. Now I have been running Windows XP for one year. Think it about! For this reason, I created this profile to record the software I am using nowadays. It may be an interesting thing to look back after several years, maybe not that long, after several months later, you will find the list contains only old stuff.

Here is a list in case you are also interested. I strongly suggest you to try some of the product I am using. They are so cool.

Snapshot as November 1, 2001

Microsoft Windows XP Professional

What a cool operating system! The appearances, the usability enhancement and best of all, I love the ClearType technology which enables to see characters more clears on the LCD display of my laptop.

I also enjoys the improved Imaging feature (such as filmstrip view, print wizard...) It really made me a happy knowledge worker. I have become used to to use the task pane to do task instead of using shortcut or right click -- just eXPerience the new way to do old things!

Microsoft Office XP Professional with FrontPage

You know what? The main reason I love Office XP is the SmartTag technology, helping me to paste with more choices.

Microsoft Money 2002

In my mind, Money is the most lovely software Microsoft has created. After using it, I began to record transactions and enjoy paying bills. It is every interesting when you get a detailed report on how your money is spent and watch your cash flow.

Adobe Acrobat 5.0

Actually, I don't love it very much but I have to install one one my computer, otherwise, I cannot survive in this information world. I cannot choose the format publisher, web masters use, can I? :-)

Clarify 9.0.2

You don't need to hear about it. It is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system through which we work with our customers. Some sort of "Line of Business" application.


It is simply there.

ATI Display Driver

My laptop computer is a Dell Latitude CPx H, using ATI display card. Basically I don't need to install additional drivers. There is a cool feature in this model to export screen images from LCD to TV screen. I installed it to enable this function.

eTrust Antivirus

This is the standard anti-virus software in my organization.

Microsoft Firewall Client