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March 04, 2005




Hallooo... Sorry i havent written for a while, i have been on an island in the south of Laos for over one week. I got stuck there doing absolutley nothing. The sun was pouring down all its energy and the atmosphere was just perfect. Not a large number of tourists, no cars only a few bikes among many chickens, pigs and cows in the rice paddies. The land was dry though from the sweltering heat. Met a couple of Canadin guys and one belgium..they're such good company! Experienced a Laos festival which involves lots of dancing after consuming large amounts of Lao Lao whisky. Excellent.

I swam everyday in the mekong which ran past our bamboo (with hammock) bungalows. At night eating, drinking, engaging in ceremonies of good luck on our travels and also explored a little in the moonlight.

Left finally today after prolonging moving on and leaving my new home. It rained this morning and we had to ride across the mekong (1st for the exit Laos passport stamp) and again (for the entry Cambodia stamp) then we hastily made way to Stung Treng just under the border.

Amusingly haggled a price for 6 of us (2 of whom were 6ft tall plus about 10 bags) into one car. 4 hours later (after an amazingly dusty track made of sand and clay) we arrived in krachi.

So here i am... just a wee update as its late but wanted just to say hi because tomorrow im heading East towards the Mondulkiri province in the jungle. ''Sen Monorom'' is apparently like Wales in the sunshine.. best of all you can ride an elephant. So happy about meeting one again, nevermind riding one!

I will write again next time i can

Love to you

Take care


Posted by claire at March 4, 2005 10:50 AM